Full Body Wax

Alpharetta, GA

Do you live in Alpharetta and just absolutely hate body hair with a passion? Maybe you said no to both of those things but you just want to get rid of it all anyways. At Bye Bye Brazilian Wax, one of the many first-class services we offer is the full body wax (actually, the full body wax is technically multiple different services, but you get the idea). The ‘whole shebang' as they call it. If you just want to completely rid yourself of hair from your eyebrows to your feet, give us a call at Bye Bye Hair and we can make that dream a reality. The best part is, because we use a honey hard wax, you can be sure that your experience will be as pleasant and comfortable as possible.

Our staff is highly licensed, highly professional, and motivated to giving each and every one of our clients the best possible treatment. Our prices are fantastic as well! Often times, if you go to another waxing service, they will try to charge you an arm and a leg for those beautiful arms and legs. Here at Bye Bye Hair however, we recognize that well-being of your bank account is just as important as the removal of your arm hair. That's why we offer such great services at such affordable prices, and why we come so highly recommended by our clients and their friends.

We are more than just a bikini line waxing service—Bye Bye Hair is a premier waxing experience. We want you to feel just as comfortable and good about yourself while you are under our care, as you definitely will when we are all done. Our end results are only matched by our commitment to giving you service that is professional and memorable. Contact us today and make an appointment!